Ideal Camping Trip Pro-Tips

Cassidy is a big fan of adventurous camping trips. With our goal this year of having a year of adventure, we have been thinking a lot about what makes an “Ideal Camping Trip.” Here are a few of our ideas that have made incredible camping trips over the past few years.

Camp somewhere with an adventure/activity! This is our BIGGEST recommendation of the list. Last year we had a sibling camping trip outside of Bear Lake, UT. We drove on and on up the little canyon past the lake and got to our spot. Less than a mile away we could hike into a beautiful glacier lake with a convenient, amazing rope swing. We all took our turn on the rope swing in the mountains; a super incredible view and water that literally took your breath away (haha). Merek, along with Cassidy’s brother, took some time to go around to the side of the lake to do some cliff jumping as well. Summary: have an exciting adventure to look forward to on your camping trip. Whether it be an awesome hike, rope swing, kayaking adventure, etc.

Bring a yummy meal everyone is excited about! You know when you are done with a long hike or adventure, and honestly everything tastes amazing? 😋 Personally I think that is the BEST part of a camping trip. Everything seems to satisfy… you’ve got no picky eaters just people happy with whatever food they can get their hands on. We’ve done everything from pre-packed tin foil dinners (carrots, potatoes, ground beef, onions, etc.), to simply bringing a loaf of bread with peanut butter and jelly. No matter what, bring lots of food and snacks so you can laugh around the campfire while filling your tummy. Don’t forget s’mores supplies or Starbursts for roasting! Another simple fun trick – there are some “Color Your Fire” packs that can change the color of your fire for a fun evening!

Take pictures to remember the experience! Because I’m a photographer, I tend to bring my camera on most trips, but there have been quite a few camping trips I thought “Nah, I don’t want to bring it.” Guess what. Every single time I have done that, I have regretted it. There are always amazing sunsets, cool fires, camp set ups, etc. Capture the moment so you don’t forget a thing!!! I don’t think you would ever regret it.

Bring a comfy camp chair! We both actually love our little short beach chairs because they are easy to take anywhere, and you are nice and close to the fire. We keep them in our fun trunk at all times. We have this brand of chair – Cascade Mountain Tech. Highly suggest for anyone! Bring to the beach, camping, outdoor shows etc. Short enough to stretch out your legs, and also not feel like you are blocking people behind you.

Ultimately – camping is a great cheap get-away for a weekend. We love living close to the mountains and taking advantage of the beautiful scenery and wildlife in the summer. When you pair it with the things above (good activity, food, etc.) it can make a super memorable weekend for years to come. As much as we love Disney and various “parks” experiences, you can always have a good time in real life nature as well. 😉